VietSoftware International (VSII)
Starting with Software Outsourcing Services for IBM USA (2003), VietSoftware International (VSII) has grown to become one of the leading software outsourcing companies in Vietnam. Not only being trusted and highly appraised by international customers in the field of Software Outsourcing Services, VSII is also a strategic partner for banks in Vietnam for the integration of middleware systems. Since 2015, the company has transformed into a high technology company, continues to expand and affirm its position in the fields of System Integration, Enterprise Solution Consulting and developing new platform for digital transformation using AI and Blockchain.


Flexibility and collaboration is the key to our successful partnerships. We provide high-quality solutions with customization, flexible editing on demand, which helping to optimize the work processes, increasing productivity
and profits of businesses.


Software Outsourcing Services

Providing comprehensive services in research, development and completion of software and mobile applications. Related services include Software Development, Migration & Maintenance and Software Testing.

System Intergration

Consulting and implementing solutions to modernize the system in order to meet the business needs. VSII is the leading System Integration Service provider in Vietnam for Finance and Banking.

Digital Transformation

Applying modern technology including AI/ML, Blockchain, API... we focuses on developing software solutions for digital transformation, with the ability to customize and apply in various business fields.

years experience
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completed projects
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our partners


With the goal of becoming a world-class IT service provider for software outsourcing and system integration solutions, we commit to collaboratively provide our customers with high quality work at best cost effectiveness.

Find out more VSII’s software ecosystem


TraXem Agri

TraXem Agriculture is a software solution used in agricultural production. It allows producers to simplify the crop management process, using QR codes.

TraXem SCM

TraXem SCM

With TraXem SCM, each product is attached with an electronic stamp code (QR code) to digitize the product life cycle from packaging, distribution and warranty.


A simple desktop application for sending payslip to employees with one key press.


An AI platform for multimedia detection and filter out template samples of all kind (human face, object image, speech,...


Mr. Eric Wenger
I would like to say that what we look for in a partner is quality. The survey that we do proves that VietSoftware is strong in that. The price we keep at competitive year to year. We would not do this without partner VietSoftware. And very important one is responsiveness. Almost every companies we work with is responsive but in a certain way VietSoftware’s responsiveness is go a little bit beyond the expectation.
Mr. Eric Wenger
Emerging Market Services Sourcing - IBM GPSG Asia Pacific Leader
Mr. Nick Jacobson
At JustAnswer, we have an aggressive release schedule, with a lot of new features in our website being added all the time. Your team has been a significant help in helping us run regression tests, so that we can be sure the current site functionality is maintained. Your hardworking team has a good eye for detail when it comes to catching visual bugs, and your cross-browser testing provides us with solid testing coverage. Thanks for your great work!
Mr. Nick Jacobson
QA Lead, JustAnswer Corp (USA)